Our Ministries

Home Groups
At North Marion Fellowship “we desire to connect people relationally in groups for the purpose of growing in Christ-likeness, building Christian community and serving one another in order to delight in God and love people.” This is the purpose of our Home groups. Statistics say that unless a person has a small group of friends at a church they will not stay after a year. They may love the preaching and programs but without true Christian friendship, people will … more

Children’s Ministry

Youth Ministry
Pastor Jason invites Middle and High School Students to REVOLUTION as we grow as a family, serve others, and make disciples through fun and God’s Word High School Youth Group Sunday Nights @ North Marion Middle School 6:30-8:30 North Marion Middle School 20246 Grim Road NE Aurora, OR 97002

Men’s Ministry
Band of Brothers groups are meeting different mornings (maybe evenings) of the week for fellowship, prayer, & study. This is a time of fellowship, study and encouraging each other in our walk with the Lord. Chosen To Lead – For men who are interested in a deeper and more accountable walk with God, this course is for you. CTL’s Mission Statement is “Turning the hearts of men toward God, fighting for marriage and family, while equipping men to lead with character, … more

Women’s Ministry
Women’s Bible Study “To Know His Name.” We have a Women’s Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 9 am meeting in the staff room at Primary School. If you are interested talk to Charlene Henry (503-318-9315)

At North Marion Fellowship prayer is not just something we talk about but is truly one of our Core Values. Prayer can only happen when the living presence of God has touched our very lives, and we turn away from the things of earth, and we focus completely on our relationship with God. Prayer has to be paramount in any congregation that wants to be what God designed for His Church. To put this in practice we have a number of ways to be a church of prayer. Prayer in Worship … more