Men’s Breakfasts
Our men meet about once a month (during school year) for a great time of fellowship, challenging study or speaker, fun door prizes and a great breakfast. This is a time for men to get to know one another, pray for one another and be encouraged in their faith as men.
Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers groups are meeting different mornings of the week for fellowship, prayer, & study. This is a time of fellowship, study and encouraging each other in our walk with the Lord. We also have monthly Men’s Breakfast that meet at various homes for great food, fellowship and a challenge relevent for us as men.
We need each other to face the challenges of being men, husbands, fathers, & the spiritual leaders of our families. All men are welcome. Talk to Pastor Jim about getting involved, or sign up on a Communication card.
Jim Terwilliger, Pastor
Email: jim@northmarionfellowship.com
Phone: (503)984-5457